While pregnant, you should not eat or drink carelessly, because it can endanger your health and that of your fetus, and even cause miscarriage. Find out what are the drinks and foods that trigger miscarriage, so you can avoid them.
To support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb and meet the energy and nutritional needs of the body, pregnant women are required to eat foods and drinks that are healthy and nutritionally balanced.
In addition, there are also foods and drinks that need to be avoided by pregnant women, because it is not good for health. Some of them are even considered dangerous and can cause miscarriage.
Drinks and Foods that Trigger Miscarriages
The following are a variety of drinks and foods that trigger miscarriage to avoid during pregnancy:1. Raw or undercooked eggs
Raw eggs and undercooked eggs are at risk of containing certain bacteria, such as Salmonella, which can increase the risk of miscarriage. This also applies to foods containing raw eggs, such as mayonnaise or salad dressing.2. Raw or undercooked meat
Eating raw or undercooked meat puts you at risk of being infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis), Salmonella bacteria, Listeria, and E.coli. This can cause miscarriages and serious complications in infants.3. Raw seafood
Pregnant women are definitely advised not to eat raw seafood, like in sushi and sashimi. Eating raw seafood, especially shellfish, can cause viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections, such as norovirus, Salmonella, and Listeria. In addition, pregnant women are also advised to limit the intake of fish that contain mercury. Eating raw seafood can cause serious health problems in pregnancy, such as preterm labor, fetal disability, miscarriage, babies born dead.4. Deli meat
This is a processed meat sheet that is usually used as a sandwich or a home hamburger. If not processed properly, these foods can contain Listeria bacteria that can enter the placenta, infect the fetus, and cause miscarriage. If you want to eat deli meat, be sure to cook it thoroughly. Not only deli meat, processed meat, smoked salmon, raw milk or unpasteurized milk and its processed products, and vegetables that are not washed properly can also contain Listeria bacteria.5. Pineapple
This fruit contains the bromelain enzyme which, if consumed too much, is feared to cause the cervix to soften and trigger contractions. Because of these effects, pineapple is often thought to trigger miscarriage. However, these claims still require further research and evidence and there is no evidence that pineapple can cause miscarriages. So, pregnant women may consume pineapple, as long as it's not excessive.6. Raw papaya
If consumed in an immature condition or still young, papaya is not safe for consumption by pregnant women. The reason, raw papaya contains latex or latex which might cause contractions. Even so, the claim that raw papaya is a trigger for miscarriage also still needs further investigation.7. Liquor
Drinking alcoholic drinks or alcoholic beverages during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage and the baby will be born dead. Alcohol can also interfere with the development of the baby's brain, inhibit growth and development later after birth, and cause birth defects in babies.8. Caffeine
Stay away from drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, chocolate, and tea, while you are pregnant. Some research shows that consuming too much caffeine can cause miscarriage, premature birth, and babies born with low birth weight. If you want to consume caffeine, limit it to no more than 1 cup per day. To be more safe, you can consult with your obstetrician about the drinks and foods that trigger miscarriage what should be avoided while pregnant. Do not forget to do regular pregnancy checks.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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